Monday, May 2, 2011

We Understand the Definition of Irony

Urban Dictionary's definition for Salt Life: Being passionate about the Ocean and utilizing it in your life. Whether it be via boating, surfing, diving, fishing or just being a beach bum. 

This Ford 150 4x4 gets about 15-21 mpg. Really fucking passionate about that ocean aren't you? 


  1. So what else is he supposed to tow his boat down to the ocean with? A Prius?

  2. He or she doesn't live a salt life just because they visit the beach once a year.

  3. Salt Company is a Christian cult. I've seen the same sticker on cars in Iowa (nowhere near the ocean) so I presume it's something about Jesus. Which seems to go hand in hand with 4x4 trucks and pink camouflage.
