Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We Know the Importance of Leading an Active Lifestyle


  1. And people in other countries don't do equally reprehensible and stupid things? I can cite shitloads of examples...

  2. I'm not from another country. I'm from America. I'm an American. And we surely aren't leading by example...

  3. Okay, let's take a purely liberal, open-minded, compassionate, caring, 1960's, kum-bay-ya perspective on the above photo. Let's not be judgemental of others, we haven't walked a mile in their shoes. We don't know what problems this person is facing. Maybe they have an ingrown toenail, and walking the dog is painful? Maybe they've had knee surgery, or health problems that prevent them from walking the dog normally? Maybe they've had a heart bypass and don't want to overexert themselves? Maybe they love their animal very much, and in spite of their infirmity, they just want to be sure Rover gets his exercise and gets to pee?

    Maybe, just maybe we should quit digging up silly images like this and using them to bash the greatest, most free nation on Earth, and implying that America is full of morons, and is therefore hated by the world.

    I can cite you thousands of examples of countries with way more stupid, reprehensible, vile, obscene, and horrendous practices and actions, who don't have the freedoms we have here, nor all the things that are GREAT about this country.

    In any society, there is good, bad, and just plain evil. The difference with America is that you have the freedom to bash the country in a blog like this, and in others, you might get beheaded.

    Enjoy your freedom.

  4. Being complacent never resolves issues.
