Saturday, November 5, 2011

We treat our military personnel with pride and pay them well for their selfless work.

So we pay them on average less than 50,000 a year and trick and fuck them on and into long deployments.  Where they not only go into combat situations but also have the pristine jobs like cleaning up shit-water and fighting fires or just welding up steam pipes for catapults that launch F-18's all day.  And using ventilation not for the personnel but for the equipment the personnel work around ( in the middle of the gulf and in 107+ average temperatures ).  Seems the people that keep the equipment maintained and running are less important that the equipment itself.  Priorities. Check.

At least four Republicans and one Democrat in Congress have had children serving in Iraq.

( Source --,2933,150275,00.html )

So five out of a 100 tough it out? No wonder we still fight this pointless errand. The majority could careless.

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