Michele Bachmann is a fucking moron. There's no eloquent way to state this obvious fact.
I have to admit, though, if she didn't make so many ridiculous mistakes, I wouldn't have such a wonderful example to share.
On the kickoff day of her presidential campaign, Bachmann stated that John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa just as she is and that like Wayne, she is patriotic, loves this country, and stands up for the country (redundant much, Michele? fuck). The problem is that John Wayne is NOT from Waterloo. John Wayne Gacy is. Gacy is the serial killer who enjoyed torturing and killing boys then burying under his house.
My problem is that we focus on the wrong things. Who cares what sort of slip ups she makes in her speeches? Yes, she should really have someone go over every single speech with her, and it shows how unprepared and unorganized she truly is when she constantly makes these sort of mistakes. Yes, this sort of thing shows how ill-equipped she could be as president. (But, we elected George W, didn't we?) What we really need to focus on, however, is how insane this woman is. She truly believes homosexuality is a mental disorder. She thinks allowing homosexual couples to enjoy the benefits of a legally recognized civil union would disrupt the family so much as to cause kindergartners to be forced to learn to be open to the idea of homosexuality. The big picture is that she would set this country back several decades. Let's soak that in and quit worrying so very much about every little flub she makes in her speeches. Listen to what this woman really says. Listen to her ideas on the issues. And realize that she is the last thing we need to right all the turmoil this country has been through since Bush Jr took office.
Instead, here in America, we tend to focus on all the little things we can use to mock or poke fun at someone so that elections become more about who sounds the smartest instead of who might actually be better for the nation.
Wake the fuck up, America.
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