Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Pledge Allegiance To My Own Stupidity

I used to think these were the two biggest morons I'd ever heard of:

But then I took a really closer look at the Family Leader pledge that all GOP candidates were asked to sign. The family leader is a non-profit organization of Evangelicals in Iowa who push the virtue of the 50s TV sitcom version of families.  I hadn't even heard of this at all until I read Gary Johnson's blog. Gary Johnson (who I am increasingly excited about) was the first to refuse to sign the pledge and actually called it "offensive." The above idiots were the first to jump aboard and sign. Of course. Considering their social views and comments each has made about homosexuality, religion, and family, it comes as no surprise. 

Then I read the thing. You should take some time to do so youself right now if you haven't already. You can do that here.

Who the fuck is stupid enough to come up with such a document? How can you possibly discuss the fact that half of all first marriages and 60% of all remarriages end in divorce then state there is empirical evidence which shows married people have better health, sex, blah blah lies blah bullshit? Not to mention comments about slavery and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy...

This just goes to show how large the portion of Americans is who have not yet advanced past the days of Reefer Madness mentality. It's sad and ridiculously embarrassing to be associated with these low-class, narrow-minded freedom-haters. 

It's time to get to work on this commune. 

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