Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The U.S. Military in general isn't that bad of a job....

I've heard people exclaim that one year of military service is equal to 3 years of stress compressed together... I found out the hard way by going into the Navy myself.  When I finally applied for VA benefits for medical and dental the VA made sure to send me my first piece of mail containing very important information.  They told me it's ok and I have someone to talk to.  Basically don't put that gun in your mouth because you've been through hell and got treated and paid like shit.

I'm pretty sure anyone who wants to kill themselves already know the warning signs.

You know, a good way to start making someone feel better about the shitty stuff they got screwed with during their time in is to actually spell their fucking name correctly.  My name is actually spelled as follows:  William Brandon Velez-Rivera.

You'd think they would have to actually look at a file with my fucking name on it and type it out correctly but they fucked that up.

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